Sunday, September 27, 2009

Roman Polanski detenido en Suiza por una demanda de hace 30 años

ZURICH (AFP) - El cineasta franco-polaco Roman Polanski fue detenido la noche del sábado en Suiza, donde iba a participar en el festival de Zurich, por una demanda judicial presentada en su contra en Estados Unidos hace más de 30 años por haber tenido relaciones sexuales con una menor.
Roman Polanski, de 76 años de edad, está en "detención provisional en espera de extradición", pero puede apelar esa decisión, indicó el domingo un portavoz del ministerio suizo de Justicia.
El departamento de Justicia estadounidense confirmó que emitió un pedido de detención contra el cineasta franco-estadounidense.
"Las autoridades helvéticas lo detuvieron a raíz de un mandato (de captura) que nosotros realizamos", indicó a la AFP la portavoz Laura Sweeney.
Fiscales de Los Angeles pidieron la detención de Roman Polanski en Suiza cuando supieron que el cineasta planeaba acudir a un festival en ese país, informó el diario Los Angeles Times.
Una portavoz de la oficina del fiscal de Los Angeles informó al periódico que la iniciativa para detener al director fue desencadenada la semana pasada.
Polanski fue detenido en 1977 en Los Angeles a raíz de una demanda judicial presentada por los padres de una adolescente de 13 años. En la época, se declaró culpable de "relaciones sexuales ilegales".
Pasó entonces un mes y medio en prisión. A fines de enero de 1978, al día siguiente de una reunión entre sus abogados y un juez, en la que éste dio a entender que volvería a ordenar su encarcelamiento, Roman Polanski tomó un avión hacia Europa, donde vive desde entonces.
La víctima en el caso de abuso sexual de que se acusa a Roman Polanski, hoy casada y con tres hijos, ha pedido reiteradamente a las autoridades que retiren las causas en contra del hombre que abusó de ella.
Samantha Geimer, de 45 años, era una niña inocente e ingenua en marzo de 1977, cuando Polanski le preguntó a su madre si podría fotografiarla para un revista de modas en la residencia de Jack Nicholson en las colinas de Hollywood.
Después de emborracharla con champaña y drogas, y de sacarle fotografías sin ropa en su bañera, Polanski la violó, mientras ella le pedía que la llevase de vuelta a su casa, según la propia víctima.
En enero de este año, 32 años después de los hechos, Geimer presentó una declaración legal formal en la que pidió que se retiraran los principales cargos contra Polanski, pero los fiscales insistieron en que el acusado debería volver a Estados Unidos antes de que ello sucediera.
Para Geimer esto fue una "broma cruel" contra ella. "Por más verdaderos que sean los hechos, la publicación de esos detalles me lastima a mí y a mi amado esposo, a mis tres hijos y a mi madre", dijo ella, quien añadió que ya era hora de dejar el caso atrás.
"No podemos juzgar el contexto judicial de la detención de Roman Polanski, pero estamos conmocionados por lo que ocurrió", declararon los directores del Festival de cine de Zurich, Nadja Schildknecht y Karl Spoerri, citados en un comunicado.
Dada su detención, los organizadores del festival aplazaron sine die la entrega del premio al conjunto de su carrera que Polanski hubiera debido recibir el domingo.
En cambio, en signo de solidaridad con quien consideran "uno de los cineastas más extraordinarios de nuestra época", decidieron mantener la gala de homenaje prevista en su honor el domingo por la noche.
En París, el ministro francés de Cultura, Fréderic Mitterrand, se declaró "estupefacto" por la detención "espantosa" de Polanski, y recordó que el cineasta es ciudadano francés.
El cineasta de origen polaco, que pasó su infancia en el ghetto de Cracovia, adquirió la nacionalidad francesa en 1976. En 1969, su esposa, la actriz Sharon Tate, fue salvajemente asesinada, estando embarazada, por el asesino en serie Charles Manson.
Polanski es autor de una obra cinematográfica prolija como director, guionista, actor y productor. Una obra llena de contrastes que ha suscitado a la vez admiración y reservas. En 2002, recibió la Palma de Oro del Festival de Cannes por "El pianista".

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I received an email and it was okay but what stuck out were the few sentences at the bottom of the email. so, today I am posting them instead of the full text. After all, to me, this is the most important part of the letter I recieved. have a great day, and God Bless the eyes that sees this blog, the ears that hear it and the heart that is warmed by it!!!
Love, Ms B

Why is it so hard to tell the truth
but yet so easy to tell a lie?
Why are we so sleepy in church
but right when the sermon is over we suddenly wake up?
Why is it so easy to delete a Godly e-mail,
but yet we forward all of the nasty ones?
Of all the free gifts we may receive, salvation is the best one.
Prayer is the very best one. There are no costs, but wonderful rewards. God Bless!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Muslim man in Egypt killed his wife because she was reading the Bible and then buried her with their infant baby and an 8-year-old daughter.

The girls were buried alive!
He then reported to the police that an uncle killed the kids. Fifte en days later, another family member died. When they went to bury him, they found the two little girls under the
sand -- ALIVE!

The country was outraged over the incident, and the man is to be executed at the end of July.

The older girl was asked how she had survived and she said, "A man wearing shiny white clothes, with bleeding wounds in his hands, came every day to feed us. He woke up my mom so she could nurse my sister."
She was interviewed on Egyptian national TV by a veiled Muslim woman news anchor. She said on public TV, "This was none other than Jesus, because nobody else does things like this!"

Muslims believe Isa (Jesus) would do this, but the wounds mean He really was crucified, and it's clear also that He is alive! But, it's also clear that the child could not make up a story like this, and there is no way these children could have survived without a true miracle.

Muslim leaders are going to have a hard time to figure out what to do with this, and the popularity of the Passion movie doesn't help! With Egypt at the centre of the media and education in the Middle East , you can be sure this story will spread. Christ is still controlling and turning the world.
Please let this story be shared.

The Lord said, "I will bless the person who puts his trust in Me. (Jeremiah 17)

Thursday, September 24, 2009



By MICHAEL HILL and PAT EATON-ROBB, Associated Press Writers – Sat Sep 19, 11:41 pm ET
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Defending a Yale University lab technician charged with murder against what appears to be a mountain of forensic evidence might mean trying to convince jurors that the crime scene was contaminated because police didn't immediately shut down the lab where the victim was found, legal experts said.

Raymond Clark III is charged with murder for the death of Yale graduate student Annie Le. Le vanished from a research building in Yale's medical school complex on Sept. 8; her body was found hidden in a wall recess five days later, on what was to be her wedding day.
Police charged Clark after reviewing some 300 pieces of evidence, including DNA samples taken from him a day before he was arrested. Clark's bond was set at $3 million, and he did not enter a plea.
Officials found DNA from Le and Clark in the ceiling and in the recess where Le's body was found, a law enforcement official familiar with the investigation told The Hartford Courant newspaper on condition of anonymity.

The evidence is so overwhelming that police believe they don't necessarily have to uncover Clark's motive for the killing to convince jurors of his guilt, according to a law enforcement official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

That likely leaves Clark's attorneys with going after how that evidence was gathered — rather than what it showed — and have prosecutors defend their decision not to seal the lab building until Le's body was found.

"You attempt to attack the investigative process as well as the conclusions," said William Dow III, a prominent New Haven-based defense lawyer, who does not represent anyone in this case.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


With Raymond Clark III now in police custody for the murder of Yale graduate student Annie Le, a recently unearthed 2003 police report and interviews with neighbors are painting a portrait of a man with a violent temper.

In a Sept. 29, 2003 police report obtained by the New Haven Independent, Branford, Conn., Det. Ronald Washington recalls responding to a dispute between Clark, then a senior at Branford High School, and his girlfriend at the time, a fellow student.

"The two are in a relationship which [the girlfriend] wishes to terminate and [the male] does not wish to end it." Washington wrote in the report, which has since been sealed.

"[The male] did attempt to confront [the student] on this date and also wrote on her locker."

At the police station, the girl told of a separate incident in which Clark forced himself upon her sexually. "She stated that she had been having a sexual relationship with [the male] and that at one time [the male] did force her to have sex with him," Washington wrote. "The relationship did continue after that incident, however she is unsure of what he may do as a result of the break up."

'Total Utter Shock'
On her Facebook page Wednesday, the woman – who did not press charges in 2003 – wrote (punctuation hers), "I cant believe this is true," and admitted to being in "total utter shock."

"I feel like im 16 all over again," she continued. "Its jsut [sic] bringing back everything … Its been a rough few days."

In an interview with New York's Daily News, neighbor Anne Marie Goodwin, 40, who lived near Clark in New Haven, said Clark was "very controlling" of his fiancée, Jennifer Hromadka. According to Goodwin, "He would never let her talk to anyone. I would hear a lot of yelling upstairs."

Goodwin also said that Clark "kept a pit bull caged in his apartment."

Tales of Infidelity
In May 2008, Hromadka – who is supposed to wed Clark in December 2011, according to their as-yet unfinished wedding Web site – reportedly sprang to her fiancée's defense on MySpace amid rumors he was cheating on her with a girl in his Yale lab.

"My boyfriend, Ray, if you don't know him, has no interest in any of the girls at YARC [Yale Animal Resource Center] as anything more than friends," she wrote. "He is a bit naïve, doesn't always use the best judgment, definitely is not the best judge of character but he is a good guy. He has a big heart and tries to see the best in people ALL THE TIME! Even when everyone else is telling him that the person is a psycho or that the person can't be trusted."

Recently, Hromadka took to her now-defunct MySpace page to write a cryptic entry. "Who are you to judge the life I live?" she wrote Sept. 11, two days before Le's body was recovered. "I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be, but before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean."